Abortion Access in D.C.


Abortion is still legal in D.C., and it's up to us to keep it that way. 

Since the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, ACLU-D.C. and our partners have been working to protect and expand abortion access in the District. Take action and learn more below.

What to Know and Do About Abortion Access in D.C.

Here’s what you need to know about abortion in D.C., and what you can do to ensure that every person in D.C. can get a safe abortion when they need it.

Abortion Access in D.C.

The Future of Abortion Rights in D.C.

Watch a panel discussion about what the overturning of Roe v. Wade means for our communities.

D.C. After Dobbs

How to talk to your pro-abortion friends and family about D.C. statehood

Talk to your friends and family about how D.C. statehood would protect and expand abortion access in the District.

How to Talk to Your Pro-Abortion Friends and Family about D.C. Statehood

Fund Abortion

Your donations will make a real difference by directly covering costs that are prohibiting people who need abortions from accessing them right now.

Donate to Abortion Funds