Smithsonian Implements Lactation Policy in Response to ACLU & First Shift Complaint

The Smithsonian Institution wrote and implemented a lactation policy just weeks after receiving a letter from the ACLU of the Nation’s Capital (ACLU-DC) and the First Shift Justice Project detailing the agency’s failure to provide its employees with adequate space and privacy to pump breast milk at work.

On Wednesday, the Smithsonian responded to the ACLU and First Shift, stating that a new lactation policy had been implemented and that staff had been notified of the policy. The Smithsonian also stated that training in the new policy, as well as the identification of appropriate lactation rooms, will be completed by November 30, 2015.

“We applaud the Smithsonian’s action in response to our letter,” said Jennifer Wedekind, staff attorney, ACLU-DC. “The new policy represents a victory for our clients, and a victory for all working mothers employed by the Smithsonian. However, the work is far from over."

The ACLU will be responding to the Smithsonian's letter with feedback, will continue to monitor the training and implementation of the new policy, and will stay in close contact with the Smithsonian to ensure it fulfills all of its legal obligations.

“We feel encouraged that we’ve received a response from the Smithsonian, and we hope to be able to work with them as they implement their policy to ensure it meet the needs of their employees,” said Laura Brown, executive director of the First Shift Justice Project.

Despite the tremendous progress made in the struggle for gender equality, women still face violence, discrimination, and institutional barriers to equal participation in society. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, the ACLU pushes for change and systemic reform in institutions that perpetuate discrimination against women, focusing its work in the areas of employment, violence against women, and education.  

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