Every 2 Hours Someone Gets Arrested for Pot in D.C.
When it comes to marijuana, D.C. has a higher arrest rate, more racially disparate arrests and spends more money on enforcement than almost any other jurisdiction.

Join the ACLU in our call to the D.C. Council to end penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana. Follow us on Twitter (@ACLU_DC) and Like us on Facebook (facebook.com/aclu.dc).
The War on Marijuana has become a needless and costly war on people of color. In 2010, more than 90 percent of the people arrested for marijuana in D.C. were Black. The aggressive enforcement of marijuana possession laws needlessly mires thousands of people in the criminal legal system, crowds our jails, wastes millions of taxpayers’ dollars, fails to reduce marijuana use and availability, diverts precious police resources away from solving serious crimes and is carried out with staggering racial bias. Join the ACLU of the Nation's Capital and tell the D.C. Council it is time to eliminate criminal penalties for low-level possession and use of marijuana.
Were you or someone you know arrested for marijuana? Send your stories to [email protected].